Does the computation of log-determinant of a matrix ever occur in the computational graph of a neural network?
Surprisingly, it does. This arises in the context of Sparse Variational Gaussian Process (SVGP).
In SVGP, our goal is to maximize a quantity known as the evidence lower bound (ELBO). The ELBO comprises of two terms, which basically says:
One could check, e.g. Wei Yi's excellent tutorial or James Hensman's Gaussian Process for big data for the derivation of ELBO for SVGP. In short, the KL divergence term in ELBO is expressed as:
( and are mean and covariance of a variational distribution, and they are part of the model parameters in SVGP) In this context, we will disregard the grey terms as they are easily handled by Zygote.
When is stored in CPU memory, the term involving the (positive definite) matrix works fine with Zygote.
using Zygote
X = randn(3,3); XᵀX = X'X
f(x) = logdet(x)
@show gradient(f, XᵀX)[1]
This gives:
(gradient(f, XᵀX))[1] = [0.8429186329377117 -0.4507909324777994 -0.7811665008998808; -0.45079093247779933 0.48173303692414393 0.47267755816965557; -0.7811665008998809 0.4726775581696556 1.261152638854635]
But interestingly, it does not work at all when is stored in GPU memory.
using CUDA
@show gradient(f, cu(XᵀX))[1]
This will return:
Error: Scalar indexing is disallowed.
Let's try to get around this, using the Cholesky decomposition to calculate the log determinant of :
cholesky_log_det(X) = begin
C = cholesky(X)
return 2*sum(log.(diag(C.L)))
@show gradient(cholesky_log_det, cu(XᵀX))[1]
But this again gives:
Error: Scalar indexing is disallowed.
It turns out that the derivative of the log-determinant of a matrix has a very simple formula, i.e., for an invertible matrix , we have that
Using this handy fact, let's go ahead and make a customized adjoint:
using Zygote: @adjoint
function log_determinant(Q::CuMatrix)
A = cholesky(Q)
return 2*sum(log.(diag(A.L)))
@adjoint function log_determinant(Q::CuMatrix)
# Q positive definite so Q = LLᵀ by cholesky and thus Q⁻¹ = L⁻ᵀL⁻¹
# numerically stable way to invert a covariance matrix:
A = cholesky(Q)
L_inv = inv(A.L)
A_inv = L_inv'L_inv
return 2*sum(log.(diag(A.L))), △ -> (△ * A_inv', )
@show gradient(log_determinant, cu(XᵀX))[1]
And now we have:
(gradient(log_determinant, cu(XᵀX)))[1] = Float32[0.8429185 -0.4507908 -0.78116626; -0.4507908 0.48173293 0.4726774; -0.78116626 0.4726774 1.2611524]
This works. A quick check with the CPU version's result shows that our adjoint is returning the correct gradient of the log determinant of .
A side note: You may have noticed the line L_inv = inv(A.L)
. Indeed, the inversion of a triangular matrix A.L
still has quadratic time complexity, which is pretty darn slow for big matricies. Fortunately, in SVGP, the matrix , i.e. the input matrix Q
above is defined using what's called the "inducing points", which makes Q
small. And because the inducing points is part of the model parameter of SVGP, you actually get to control the size of .
An adjoint example is here by Pbellive.
Note: This post is done on Zygote version 0.6.61 and Julia version 1.9.
The following code using ChainRulesCore
produces the same result.
function log_determinant(Q::CuMatrix)
A = cholesky(Q)
return 2*sum(log.(diag(A.L)))
function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(log_determinant), Q::CuMatrix)
A = cholesky(Q)
L_inv = inv(A.L)
A_inv = L_inv' * L_inv
function log_determinant_pullback(R̄)
f̄ = NoTangent()
Q̄ = R̄ * A_inv'
return f̄, Q̄
return 2*sum(log.(diag(A.L))), log_determinant_pullback